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At the time of this writing, January 16, 2012, the current version of sane that comes with Centos 6 is SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.21-3.EL6.X86_64. This is a problem if you have a Canon LiDE 110 flatbed scanner, because that scanner isn’t supported until SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22. Therefore, when you plug a Canon LiDE 100/110 flatbed scanner into your Centos 6 box and run scanimage -L, you get this output:

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different, check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).

Luckily, SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22 is available as an update to Fedora 16, and it supports the Canon LiDE 100/110 flatbed scanner.

It isn’t too difficult to replace the sane-backends version that comes Centos 6 with this updated version from Fedora 16.

I have re-compiled SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22-6.FC16.SRC.RPM for Centos 6/x86_64.

Download sane-backends-1.0.22-6.el6.x86_64.rpm

Download sane-backends-drivers-cameras-1.0.22-6.el6.x86_64.rpm

Download sane-backends-drivers-scanners-1.0.22-6.el6.x86_64.rpm

Download sane-backends-libs-1.0.22-6.el6.x86_64.rpm

You can also download SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22-6.FC16.SRC.RPM from this webpage but you will need that only if you want to compile your own SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22.

Download sane-backends-1.0.22-6.fc16.src.rpm

After downloading the above files you can install them on your Centos 6 machine using this command: rpm -U sane-backends-*.rpm

That’s all there is to it. After installing SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22, when you run scanimage -L you will see this output:

device `genesys:libusb:001:010′ is a Canon LiDE 110 flatbed scanner

Don’t worry if the device number is different; as long as it says that it can see your scanner, it’s working.

If you find that scanimage -L sees the scanner when you run the command as root but not when you run the command as a user, then unplug the scanner from your computer and plug it back in. There is a udev rule that allows your scanner to be seen by the user but it’s not activated only when you plug the scanner in; therefore if you plugged your scanner in before updating to SANE-BACKENDS-1.0.22 as described in this article, only the root user can use the scanner until you either reboot your computer or unplug the scanner and plug it back in again.

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